‘Void’ is a dreaded word for most landlords. Most people view voids in December as a sure-fire way to lose money until the New Year. But, despite common belief, the end of the year can provide great opportunities to fill an empty rental.

Lots of people have time off in December, receive bonuses at work and start thinking about New Year Resolutions. Plus, many people travel far distances for long periods to stay closer to the family for Christmas. All these things are opportunities to fill a December void!

If you need to find new tenants in December, here are Foxes’s top tips for landlords on how to fill voids in Bournemouth at the end of the year.

1. Increase Your Marketing
Filling a void and marketing your property go hand in hand. If you’ve been trying to fill an empty property for a while, consider ramping up your marketing even further. Get help from a letting agent to advertise your vacancy online, in local high street offices and on social media.

Be tactical and do everything you can to help your property stand out from the crowd. Detailed descriptions, high-quality images and 360-degree virtual tours can go a long way in helping you find new tenants during quieter periods.

2. Offer Incentives
It’s a well-known fact that people love a good deal – renters included! Many landlords offer incentives to find a tenant in December, like a discount on rent or utility bills for the first month.

Speak to a letting agent and see what kind of incentive works for people in Bournemouth. They can offer advice and support you with marketing your property in a way that attracts a good tenant.

3. Give Things a Refresh
Quiet periods are a great time to give your property some TLC. If you want to entice good tenants in December, rather than drop your rent, make sure your property stands out from the crowd.

Browse the latest home décor trends and give things a slight refresh. Even small adjustments, like a fresh coat of paint on the interior walls or front door, can make a big difference to how attractive your property looks online.

4. Reconsider Your Target Market
Sometimes, your target market just isn’t there during certain periods of the year. If you’re struggling to find a new tenant in December, consider changing your tactics and marketing to a different kind of tenant.

Short-term lets for holidaymakers can be popular in December in certain areas, so speak to a letting agent for advice and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Need Advice?
Having an empty property is never fun for a landlord, especially during the winter period. If you need advice on managing your rental in the Bournemouth area, our friendly team at Foxes are here to help.

For more information about our letting agent and property management services, give us a call today on 01202 299600 or email us at Hello@foxes.co.uk.